Celebrate Your Unqiue Shape

Reflection on Mrs Asia Pacific Part Two: I am immensely proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone. As some of my friends know, I have gained about 18kg in the past 6 years due to the side effects of my antidepressant medication. During this pageant, I admit to feeling body-conscious around theContinue reading “Celebrate Your Unqiue Shape”

Mental Health Matters: Break the Silence, End the Stigma.

Reflection on Mrs Asia Pacific 2023 Part One: One week before Mrs Asia Pacific 2023, I fell terribly ill with a severe cough. I was still deciding whether to proceed with this pageantry as we were required to travel to Malaysia, specifically Pulai Springs Resort. Then, I reflected on my WHY – why did IContinue reading “Mental Health Matters: Break the Silence, End the Stigma.”

Embrace Your Uniqueness: Celebrate Mental Diversity

Embracing 2023 In the vibrant mosaic of 2023, my heart overflows with gratitude for the love, laughter, and cherished moments that painted each chapter. From dynamic media launches to personal milestones and the poignant loss of my mother-in-law, every experience intricately weaves a unique tapestry. 2023 brought tears of joy, laughter, loss, and triumph. InContinue reading “Embrace Your Uniqueness: Celebrate Mental Diversity”

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